Healing Modalities Menu
Spinal Flow Technique
Release chronic pain, anxiety, depression, digestive and fertility issues, poor quality sleep, feeling like your head is about to explode, sciatica, scoliosis, kyphosis, Tec-neck and more. Become able to respond rather than re-act to the people and challenges in your life.
Feel the freedom of not being stuck in Fight - Flight - Freeze mode.
You deserve more than to just survive, you deserve to THRIVE!
This modality heals via the Central Nervous System and activates the body's innate wisdom of knowing how to heal. Connect with your body, your breath and feel the Flow of your body's healing wave as you relax deeply and surrender into the parasympathetic state where healing happens naturally!
Your body knows how to release stored stressors and trauma, it just needs the guidance of an experienced and caring practitioner, and your belief that YOUR BODY CAN AND DOES HEAL!
I love the ease with which this modality helps my clients. All they have to do is Believe in the body’s ability to heal, Want to heal, Show Up for their treatments and RELAX on the Treatment bed. I do the facilitation, the watching, carefully guiding your body throughout the process and grounding each healing into your body for your greatest benefit in each treatment.
The body still “does The Work” of releasing layers of stored stressors, allowing you to feel more free, more YOU, with each and every treatment. This is certainly the easiest way of returning to better health!
Trigger Warning. The below text is not suitable for everyone as it mentions causes of trauma.
Seeing a therapist and talking about the painful events from your past, and thereby reminding you of past traumatic experiences ie: “Re-MIND-ing = back to the mind” might help some people. However, you are still not processing the trauma by simply talking about it. This can in fact re-traumatize you as you relive the old emotions of fear, grief, abandonment, abuse, rejection, shame etc. without actually releasing them from the central nervous system.
Jikiden REIKI - the traditional Method of Healing Mind, BoDy and spirit
I have been passionate about sharing Reiki with my clients for around 20 years. Reiki is as effective in a Distance Healing as in-person.
This beautiful modality is still my “first love” of healing. I am trained and experienced in facilitating different “types” of Reiki:
Jikiden Reiki, Okuden, Level II; the Master level is only taught in Japan. It is based on the Japanese teachings as they have been passed down in Japan from Dr Mikao Usui’s direct lineage. When I finally found Jikiden Reiki, I knew immediately that I had found “the missing essence” which I always felt was “lacking” in my previous training as an Usui Reiki Master (Western style), and Tibetan and Usui Reiki Master.
This is up-levelled energy healing at its best!
Whether in-person or as a distance healing… this is incredible!
It is also the modality during which I most often have my client’s spirit guides come through! Setting the Intent for your treatment, I connect with my healing guides, angels and ancestors, and I also invite your angels, ancestors and guides to be present. They come through when they want to be seen. Seeing your Spirit Guides, communicating and receiving a message adds such depth to the already amazing healings. ENERGY ALCHEMY!
Client feedback made me aware that my Reiki healings were extremely effective, but I have found Jikiden Reiki to be much more refined and focused. It has also given me the skills of working directly with the clients’ subconscious to help them with psychological clearing and removing bad habits and negative patterns.
“Rei-Ki” translates as “universal life force energy”. This is of course readily available in nature and is very effective at helping shift old, unbalanced or stagnant energies as I channel fresh energy into your body for mind, body and spirit healing.
As a dual “Reiki Master”, I would like to say that in my perception, no-one is the “Master” of Reiki. Just no! The term “Reiki Master” means to me that person is someone who has been attuned to a level at which they can teach and attune new practitioners to the abundance of channeling Reiki /Life Force Energy for their own self-healing (level I) and others (level II). Level I centers around Self-Healing and that is why I believe EVERYONE with a body should be attuned to Level I Reiki.
I love teaching Level I Reiki for self-healing! Book a call if this resonates with you. I would love to support you on your self-healing journey to raise your vibration.
If you have not had Reiki with me before, then a “Reiki Initial Consultation and Treatment“ appointment is the one to choose to get you started on the wonderful journey of "Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho" {The “Usui Reiki Treatment Method to Improve Body and Mind”}.
Get ready to be astounded how this gentle modality can bring profound positive changes into your life!
Drumming Meditation Journeys
The Science Behind Drumming Meditation is that both drumming and meditation have been shown to integrate various parts of the brain to generate synapses which connect neurons to each other. This leads to greater coherence and efficiency of brain function.
Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Moreover, drumming promotes the production of endorphins, the body's own morphine-like painkillers, and can help control pain and those suffering grief. Drumming and rhythm are powerful tools as they permeate the entire brain.
It brings you into a state of freedom within the present moment, where everything and anything is possible. It is also the easiest form of meditation, as the brain gets entranced by the rhythm of the drum, like a heartbeat, guiding you safely on your journey.
If you have ever wondered who your Spirit Guide might be, whether human, plant, mineral or animal, you might just meet them on a drumming journey. You can ask your Guide questions, get reassurance and know you have an ally you can call on again. It is a wonderful way to initiate connection with a helping spirit and start a conscious relationship.
Crystal Resonance
Crystal Resonance Chakra Clearing with Guided Visualization. I take you on a journey of connecting with the colours and energies of your chakras (your body’s energy centres) by inviting the devas (Beings) of the crystals I place on your body to share their vibrance and energy with you by way of entrainment. This raises the energy in your body, clearing stagnant or blocked chakras, allowing for harmonious energy flow, returning you to balance.
Sound Resonance Medicine
The body loves Sound Resonance Immersions! We are largely water, and just the way water in a glass ripples when you tap the glass, so the body starts to resonate in harmony with the sounds being played on and around you, bringing your body back into balance in all layers of the physical and energy bodies.
Medical science uses Ultra-SOUND to capture images of our internal organs, so it is easy to understand that sound does reach deep inside of our bodies. As a skilled sound medicine facilitator I am able to help clear, balance and assist your body to heal. My individual sound immersion medicine sessions allow me to personalize each treatment for what you need at that point in time.
Angelic Chakra Tones is Sound Healing with Chakra Chimes. The Chimes are placed on the major chakras on and off your body, from Soul Star to Earth Star, bringing in cosmic sound healing energy with their pure, angelic tones which are all the musical notes of the chakras. Fascinating for your ears, this allows for very precise “tuning” of chakras and joints thereby wholly harmonizing for your body.
Chimes may also be placed on the 13 major joints of your body to bring an additional layer of depth to the Healing.
Five Elements This is an immersive sound journey where a variety of instruments are used to create a soundscape encompassing the Elements (earth, air fire, water and Ether), inviting you to journey where you wish: from the mountains, across meadows, soaring high in the skies and through forests, into caves, to the seashore. You may connect with Beings like merfolk, woodland critters, trees, wise guides, sylphs, salamanders, Elfs, plants, birds and the Fae, as well as other mythical and magical creatures.
Singing Bowl Sound Healing. Surrender to the entrainment of the sounds of the singing bowls. The reverberance of the Crystal 432Hz 7 chakra bowls and Tibetan metal bowls will carry you home to your Self, on gentle but powerful waves of sounds. Be entranced by the cosmic echo of the crystal singing pyramid as you soar through the universe safely tethered to your body via the silver cord and be embraced by sound of creation from the clear voices of selenite and rose quartz infused Empyrean Crystal singing bowls.
Sound Medicine Healings are delicious immersions into the Self, the seen and unseen worlds and the Universe. You will emerge lighter as your body brings to the surface that which is ready to be released and healed.
Do you have any burning questions about my modalities? Such a fabulous range of offerings… it can be a little confusing, especially if you are new to complementary holistic health care or want to try ALL the modalities!
But do not fear, Denise is here!
You can book a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation with me to find out which is most beneficial for you at this point in time.
I want to assist you to find what resonates with YOU!